whom files and parameters have been be touched.

analytics Drone detection and defense (CUAS)
esc Aerospace is a small, agile product neutral systems integrator and product developer with the depth of experience of a large corporation. Our size, low overhead, extensive solutions partnerships and global reach enable us to meet the highest complexity technological challenges and meet our clients need with best value solutions.
All three esc Aerospace companies are independently owned and operated to better serve specific customer requirements.
IT, OT, Cyber & Enterprise Security
Processes (IT, OT, products)
- Strategy consulting (interim security management staffing, CISO)
- Project management
- Assessment, design, improvement & audits (ISO 27001)
- Tailored user awareness
- Training (product & process)
Technologies (Concept, PoC & implementation)
- Network: Firewall, IDS, IPS, Vulnerability Management and Scanner
- Endpoint: AV, exploit prevention
- Corporate Information Security:
Enterprise Integrity Management (escEIM™), Data Leakage Prevention (DLP), Data Protection (GDPR)
Command and Control, Sensor Integration, Autonomy, Counter UAS
Custom Development
- Aerial targets
- Custom UAS development
Command and Control
Solutions and Innovation

esc Aerospace US, Inc.
3259 Progress Drive
Orlando, FL 32826
United States of America
Please visit esc Aerospace US for more information.

Czech Republic
esc Aerospace s.r.o.
Čs. Armády 14
160 00 Prague
Czech Republic

esc Aerospace GmbH
Willy-Messerschmitt-Str. 1
82024 Taufkirchen