On November 11, 2023, the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic organized an information industry day on Ambitious projects related to the space activities. The representatives of the ministry wanted to present to companies, but also to the others, seven space projects that bring to the Czech environment a new level of difficulty in the implementation of space activities.
Among the participants were also representatives from ESC Aerospace, who have introduced their mission LVICE2 (Lunar VIcinity Complex Environmental Explorer).
Radon je všudypřítomný přírodní radioaktivní plyn, který se uvolňuje postupnou přeměnou uranu. A právě uran je přítomen v různých množstvích ve všech materiálech zemské kůry. Samotný radon se dále přeměňuje na další radioaktivní prvky, které se při vdechování zachycují v lidských dýchacích cestách a ozařují je.
Společnost evolving systems consulting s r.o., ve spolupráci s dalšími partnery, zahájila projekt s názvem Polovodičový detektor pro kontinuální měření objemové aktivity radonu. Cílem je vytvoření prototypu detekčního zařízení pro rychlou detekci objemové aktivity radonu, která je založena na sendvičové integraci polovodičové detekční vrstvy, optimalizovaného vyčítacího čipu, elektronické desky pro vyhodnocení detekčního signálu a zpracovatelského SW pro přesné stanovení výsledné objemové aktivity radonu. Součástí projektu je i ověření funkčních vlastností a přesnosti v akreditované kalibrační laboratoři. Projekt byl zahájen v září 2021 a zakončení projektu je plánované na květen v roce 2023.
Projekt podpořilo Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu ČR za poskytované finanční podpry od EU. Tento projekt je realizován v programu Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost v rámci IX. výzvy.
The company esc Aerospace s.r.o. is behind the design, development and integration of the satellite and has been active in the field of development of electronics and software for satellites of the European Space Agency for more than 20 years!
esc Aerospace s.r.o. as one of the mission partners celebrates the successful launch of the nanosatellite VZLUSAT-2!
After a successful deployment of the VZLUSAT-2 satellite from the ION carrier on January 26, 2022, first signals from the satellite were received by several amateur stations of the SatNOGS network. Later, during the first pass over the Czech Republic, the satellite was also received by the ground control centre in Pilsen. From that moment on, the process of gradual commissioning of the VZLUSAT-2 satellite started.
The myBUTTERFLY is a portable device used to provide real-time measurements of NO2 pollutant concentrations in the air. The measured pollutant concentrations and location of the measurement are wirelessly sent by the device via Bluetooth or GSM, according to device configuration. The data is collected for post-processing analysis and further informative use in the Cloud.
The device is using sensors from SpecSensors 3SP-NO2-5F. The sensitive electronics is shielded from external interference. The device has been designed as an affordable mobile platform serving a singular purpose of local real-time NO2 pollutant monitoring. The device can be integrated into a wider measuring network via wireless connection with a mobile phone (both Android and iOS devices are supported) or as a fully independent unit.
• Low power consumption and long operating time
• Fast startup time as sensors are powered at all
• Possible use with a mobile phone via Bluetooth
• Possible use as an independent unit with its own
GSM communication interface
• GPS tracking
• Accelerometer
• Temperature sensor
• Humidity sensor
• Possibility of use with NO2, SO2 and O3 sensors
• Connectivity and configuration via USB
• Firmware update via USB
- Procesor: family SMT32 F1, frequency 72 MHz
- Communication bus: USB 2.1
- Programming, updating: JTAG / SWD
- Connectors: power via USB Mini
- Power: input voltage 4,5 V ÷ 5,0 V USB
- Dimensions of the box (L x W x D): 95 x 60 x 25 mm
- Operating temperature: -10 °C ÷ 50 °C
- Relative humidity < 95% without condensation
- Weight: cca 105 g
- SIM Card
- USB Mini charging cable
- Low power consumption and long operating time
- Fast startup time as sensors are powered at all times
- Possible use with a mobile phone via Bluetooth
- Possible use as an independent unit with its own GSM communication interface
- GPS tracking
- Accelerometer
- Temperature sensor
- Humidity sensor
- Possibility of use with NO2, SO2 and O3 sensors
- Connectivity and configuration via USB
- Firmware update via USB
The instrument 2SD [tu:esdi:] (Space Dosimetry System Demonstrator) is composed of two detectors:
- SXRM (SpacepiX Radiation Monitor)
- SXM (Soft X-ray Monitor)
The SXRM is a radiation monitor based on the revolutionary SpacePix2 ASIC. It can be used for a wide range of space radiation monitoring applications and was developed in cooperation between esc Aerospace and FNSPE CTU (Czech Technical University) in Prague. It is designed for long-term orbital missions of up to 15 years on GEO, MEO, LEO and interplanetary missions. It has been developed to be compliant with European Space Agency (ESA) requirements for radiation hardness and has been fully ESA qualified. The device is designed as a space environment awareness monitor for communication, navigation and Earth observation satellites. It will monitor the space weather radiation component. SXRM is sensitive to electrons and protons from the van Allen belt and heavy ions from the galactic cosmic rays. It detects individual particles and was designed to operate even in a dynamic range of solar particle events with fluxes of up to 106 protons cm2s-1. The SXRM uses pattern recognition techniques in 5 detection layers, interleaved with energy absorbers in a telescopic configuration, to cover a large particle energy range.
The SXM detector is designed for the measurement of the flux and spectrum of soft X-rays photons, emitted during transient events in the Solar magnetosphere, such as X-ray flares during magnetic reconnection. The SXM uses the specialized X-CHIP-03-SXR ASIC with a dynamic range optimized for soft X-ray photon measurement.
The SpacePix2 detection chip is a radiation-resistant monolithic pixel ionizing radiation detector developed at the FNSPE CTU in 180 nm SoI CMOS process for space dosimetry and charged particle detection. SpacePix2 measures approximately 4×5.5 mm2 and contains 4096 pixels arranged in a matrix of 64×64 pixels. The dynamic range is extended using a technique of backside pulse digitization and has a range of five orders of magnitude, making it capable to characterize particles from low-energy electrons to high-energy heavy ions of galactic cosmic rays. Its small dimensions, low power consumption, simple interfacing and large dynamic make it ideal for mass deployment in space situation awareness applications.
The 2SD instrument is based on the second generation esc Aerospace on-board computer and data processing board escOBC2™, and includes an additional interface and power board for the detectors. The escOBC2™ is an upgraded version of the escOBC™. The board is featuring a state-of-the-art 32-bit processor based on 45nm technology and 0.5 MB of radiation immune MRAM memory for critical system data and 128 MB of flash mass storage for mission or scientific data. The product is compatible with the standard Cubesat PC104 form factor and features a main connector compatible with most of the Cubesat boards. The Communication with subsystems can be established via UART, CAN, SPI, I2C or discrete lines. For safety reasons the escOBC2™ is equipped with an independent HW watchdog to prevent system hangs and current&voltage monitors.
The solar radiation is detected using the pixel chip XChip03SXR. The insight of each sensor is shielded by a thin titanium foil to protect against photons and low-energy particles.
Technical parameters
2SD instrument features
- Dimensions 90 x 96 x 45 mm3, mass 300 g
- Operating temperature range -40 °C to +65 °C
- Average power consumption ~150 mW (peak 550 mW)
- Powering from 3.3V and 5V rails
- Communication via CAN interface
- In-flight SW updates
- Internal storage for data
- Configurable sampling rate, thresholds and exposure time (shutter open)
- Several data products available: Raw data frames, reconstructed clusters, particle tracklets and summary histograms
SXRM detector features
- Designed for charged particle energy and species determination
- Pattern recognition techniques and partial reconstruction of particle trajectory
- Supports operational modes of radiation imaging, clustering, tracking and LET histogram
- Alert capability in the event of elevated radiation
- Energy ranges for particle species
- 0.5-10 MeV (electrons)
- 2-200 MeV (protons)
- 0.5-100 MeVcm2mg-1 (heavy ions).
SXM detector features
- Sensitive to photons in energy range 4 to 20 keV.
- Maximal X-ray flux of 105 photons cm2s-1
- Charged particle discrimination functionality
- Data products include raw frames, X-ray flux and spectra
Dear partners, we will be at Industry Space Days 2020 organized by European Space Agency! This event will take place online for the first time on 16 – 17 September 2020. It enables an opportunity to meet wider, please join us there!
London Gatwick Airport reports another incidence with a drone writes Michael Wieland, UAV DACH’s manning director in his latest LinkIn post. Threats like this one have caused total airport shut downs in the past, along financial losses in the multi-million Euro range. Not to mention the threat to passengers.
esc Aerospace provides solutions to detect, track and mitigate rogue drones as Dr. Andreas Hausotter explains in a recent article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ. Our offer includes consultation and concept development. Every solution is tailored to our customer needs. Contact us for information!